Science Courses In Nigeria

List Of 23 Best Science Courses In Nigeria

Science Course is the toughest courses to Study. Are you also in search of the most Profitable and the Best Science Courses In Nigeria? In this Article, We will provide you with all the Necessary Information about the Best Science Course to Study in Nigeria. Science is a Multi-Academic Field for Students with Subject Combinations as mentioned below.

  • PCM: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics.
  • PCB: Physics, Chemistry, Biology.
  • PCMB: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology.

Students interested in a career in science have many options at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Many of you still don’t know how to choose the right science courses for yourself, that’s why we have covered all the details about Science Courses In Nigeria at any university or any polytechnic in Nigeria this year.

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Best Science Courses In Nigeria for Female

The Best Science Courses In Nigeria for Female is Nursing, Medicine, Surgery, Computer Science, Dentistry, and Architecture. Here we have to Describe Some Best Science Courses for Females to Study in Nigeria.


The Most Popular Science Courses In Nigeria for Female Students is Nursing. Nursing is a dominating Course and Profession, maybe because Females have more Inherent Capacity to care for Others. Nursing is not gender-selective but meant for every science student, and not the females alone. As a Profession, it is a high-demanding profession as well.  Nursing science is like medicine and is very profitable and has great prestige at the university. This science course is another good choice for science majors.

Medicine and Surgery

Medicine and Surgery is also the Best Science Courses In Nigeria for Female Students. We all know that Getting Admission to Medical and Surgery is very hard but you can get it if you get a good score in O’level Result and JAMB Results.

Animal Science

Animal Science is the Biological Science. Females who are Interested in Animal Lives Can Pursue this, Field. In this course, Students will Know How to manage and Care for these livestock.

Computer Science

Computer Science Course is the Most Popular Science Course among All the Science Courses. Students will get to know about Programming languages and Other Computer Related Activities in Depth.

Food Science and Technology

This is the best and Most Interesting Course for the Female. Not only females but the Mans are also Equally Interested In this Course.  Students can work for NAFDAC or any food Processing Company.

Professional Science Courses In Nigeria in 2024

So many Professional Science Courses In Nigeria. Latest look at the top 30 best Professional Courses to Study in Nigeria. Students Who want to make their Career in science are Advised to Read this Article Carefully.

  1. Medicine and Surgery
  2. Pharmacy
  3. Computer science
  4. Biotechnology
  5. Petroleum Engineering
  6. Nursing
  7. Chemistry Science
  8. Chemical Engineering
  9. Geo-informatics
  10. Science Laboratory Technology
  11. Industrial Chemistry
  12. Physiotherapy
  13. Mathematics
  14. Biomedical Engineering
  15. Biochemistry
  16. Physics
  17. Statistics
  18. Quantity Surveying
  19. Microbiology
  20. Food Science and Technology
  21. Food Engineering
  22. Agricultural Science
  23. Surveying

Most Lucrative Science Courses In Nigeria

In the below section we have mentioned the most Lucrative, or you can say the Most Profitable Course in Nigeria. This List will help the Students to Choose the Best Science Courses In Nigeria.

  • Medicine and Surgery: Medicine and Surgery is the most popular and lucrative professional course for Science Courses In Nigeria. Doctors and surgeons earn high salaries and have good employment prospects.
  • Engineering: Engineering is a broad field that includes many different disciplines, such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. Engineers earn good salaries and have good job prospects.
  • Computer Science: Computer science is a rapidly growing field that offers many lucrative career opportunities. Software engineers, data scientists, and web developers are in high demand and earn high salaries.
  • Accounting: Accounting is a stable and sought-after profession, offering good employment prospects and high salaries. Accountants work in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, and government.
  • Law: Law is a challenging but rewarding profession, offering good employment prospects and high salaries. Lawyers work in a variety of settings, including law firms, government agencies, and businesses.
  • Pharmacy: Pharmacists are responsible for dispensing medicine and providing health care consultation. They earn good salaries and have good job prospects.
  • Nursing: Nurses are in high demand and earn a good salary. They work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices.
  • Biotechnology: Biotechnology is a rapidly growing field that offers many lucrative career opportunities. Biotechnology engineers, scientists, and researchers work in a variety of industries, including health care, agriculture, and environmental science.
  • Data Science:  Data Science is a rapidly growing field that offers many lucrative career opportunities. Data scientists use their skills to analyze data and solve problems. They work in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, and technology.
  • Actuarial science: Actuaries evaluate risk and uncertainty using their expertise. They are employed in a range of sectors, such as healthcare, finance, and insurance.

Highest Paying Science Courses In Nigeria

In Nigeria, there are just as many profitable courses as non-profitable ones. Before Choosing any Course, you should know which course Is the highest Paying Course.  In the Below section, we will guide you on which course is the highest paying Science Courses In Nigeria in the Details read the Below Section Before Choosing One.

Medicine and Surgery

Medicine and surgery are the highest-paying Science Courses In Nigeria. The Medical Field is the Most Respectable and Prestigious Field that’s why they will get a high salary for that, But I must say becoming the one is very difficult as well. It takes years of hard work and dedication. Once you become a doctor you will get paid back for all your hard work.

Job Opportunity

Medical Doctor, Surgeon, Paediatrician, Anaesthesiologist.

Information Technology

We all know that Information Technology is the biggest field in today’s time. IT person can earn Millions of naira with their Skills and Dedication towards work.

Job Opportunity

IT Manager, Software Developer, Network Administrator, Cybersecurity Analyst.

Computer Science

In Today’s Digital World Computer Science is very Essential across Industries. Computer Science Courses In Nigeria can Increase your Programming skills, software development skills, and data analysis. In this Field, you can get an excellent job with an Amazing pay scale.

Job Opportunity

Software Engineer, Data Scientist, IT Consultant, Systems Analyst

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineers must deal with the study and Application of Electricity. The construction and upkeep of power systems, telecommunications networks, and other electrical devices depend heavily on this field. All industries, including manufacturing, telecommunications, and power generation, have a strong demand for electrical engineers. Graduates should anticipate competitive compensation packages and lots of chances for professional growth.

Job Opportunity

Electrical Engineer, Telecommunications Engineer, Power Systems Engineer.


Law is a prestigious profession that offers high-income potential. Lawyers play an important role in society, providing legal advice, representation, and upholding the rule of law. In Nigeria, lawyers are highly respected, and the legal profession offers many diverse career paths. Whether you choose to work in corporate law, or litigation, or specialize in a specific area such as intellectual property or environmental law, a career in law can be financially rewarding.

Job Opportunity

Lawyer, Corporate Counsel, Legal Consultant, Judge.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering combines the principles of chemistry, physics, and mathematics to design and develop processes to produce various chemicals, materials, and energy.  Chemical engineering graduates have excellent career prospects in fields such as oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and renewable energy. There is a high demand for qualified chemical engineers and the field has an attractive salary structure.

Job Opportunity

Chemical Engineer, Process Engineer, Research Scientist, Quality Control Manager.


Architecture is a field that combines creativity, technical skills and problem-solving abilities. Architects are responsible for designing and constructing buildings, structures, and spaces that are functional and aesthetically pleasing. In Nigeria, there is a growing need for qualified architects to address the country’s infrastructure development challenges.

Job Opportunity

Architect, Urban Planner, Interior Designer, Project Manager.


Accounting is a fundamental aspect of any business or organization. Chartered accountants play an important role in financial management, auditing, and taxation. The demand for qualified accountants is high, both in the public and private sectors. Graduates with an accounting degree can pursue careers in accounting firms, financial institutions, and multinational corporations, or start their own accounting practice.

Job Opportunity

Chartered Accountant, Financial Analyst, Tax Consultant, Auditor.

Nursing Science

Nursing is a healthcare profession dedicated to patient care and health promotion. Nurses are essential members of the healthcare team and are in high demand Science Courses In Nigeria. The healthcare field offers excellent employment opportunities and nursing graduates can work in hospitals, clinics, and research institutes or even pursue further education to take on roles. specialized nursing role.

Job Opportunity

Registered Nurse, Nurse Educator, Nurse Administrator, Nurse Practitioner.

Business Administration

A degree in business administration allows students to gain a comprehensive understanding of business principles and management practices. Graduates in this field are highly sought after by companies looking for qualified professionals to lead and manage their operations. Whether it’s finance, marketing, human resources, or business, a business administration degree opens up diverse career opportunities with attractive salaries.

Job Opportunity

Business Analyst, Marketing Manager, Human Resources Manager, Entrepreneur.

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering focuses on the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure such as roads, bridges, buildings, and water systems. As Nigeria continues to develop its infrastructure, the demand for qualified civil engineers will be high. Civil engineering graduates can work in government agencies, construction companies, consulting firms or even start their own engineering firm.

Job Opportunity

Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer, Project Manager, Transportation Engineer.

Data Science

With the growing importance of data analytics in various industries, data science has become a very lucrative field. Data scientists use their expertise in statistics, programming, and machine learning to draw insights from large data sets and make informed decisions. Data science graduates can find jobs at technology companies, financial institutions, healthcare organizations, and consulting firms.

Job Opportunity

Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, Business Intelligence Analyst.

Environmental Science

Environmental science focuses on understanding the environment and developing sustainable solutions to environmental challenges. As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, the need for professionals who can tackle issues such as climate change, pollution, and resource management is increasing. Environmental science graduates may work in environmental consulting firms, government agencies, research institutes, or non-profit organizations.

Job Opportunity

Environmental Scientist, Environmental Consultant, Sustainability Manager, Conservation Scientist.

Estate Management

Real estate management involves the management, valuation, and development of assets. Graduates in this field are equipped with the skills to manage real estate assets, manage real estate sales and lettings, and provide real estate investment advice. The real estate sector in Nigeria is thriving and property managers are in high demand among individuals, businesses, and real estate development companies.

Job Opportunity

Estate Manager, Property Valuer, Real Estate Consultant, Property Developer.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is vital to branding, marketing, and advertising in the era of visual communication. Because they can produce designs that are both visually striking and memorable, talented graphic designers are in high demand. Graduates in graphic design can find employment as independent designers or in media corporations, advertising agencies, and design firms. With the growing need for original content, graphic designers can leverage their artistic abilities to make a handsome living.

Job Opportunity

Graphic Designer, Art Director, Web Designer, Branding Specialist.


Choosing the Right Course is a very big task. But with the help of this article, you will get all the information about which course is the best for the Students who make a Career in the Science field. Even while these courses might demand commitment and effort, the benefits are great. There are plenty of financially rewarding opportunities open to you, regardless of your passions—science, engineering, business, or healthcare.

FAQs For Best Science Courses In Nigeria

How can I choose the best Science Courses In Nigeria?

There are So many Science courses in Nigeria you can choose According to your Interests and Skills.

Are there job opportunities available in Nigeria for international students studying these courses?

Yes, there are Huge Job Opportunities available Science Courses In Nigeria for International Students as well.

Are there other lucrative courses in Nigeria that are not on the list?

Yes, there might be other lucrative Courses in Nigeria but Most of the Courses are Covered in the List.

Can I earn a high salary with a bachelor’s degree in these courses?

Yes, There are some High Salary Courses with A Bachelor’s Degree.

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